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Something Awkward

Story Summary: Trowa and Duo share an apartment... and have similar tastes in pranks... and other things.


Rating: R

Pairings: None


Other Notes: Created with OutOfWorkShingiami. (Hopefully this will be continued...)

Trowa wanders into the room dancing to "Hot In Here" striping as awkwardly sexily as he can, then the music changes to "Thriller" and he does that dance for one chorus before changing the music again. This time to "Ninja Rap". By this time he is naked and doing acrobatic stunts. The music ends and he winks at you, "How was it? You think I can get Quatre to watch the whole thing?"


Duo sat back in his seat, one hand over the lower half of his oddly red face, the other shoved firmly between his pant legs. He swallowed hard, and his currently saucer-sized eyes blinked. “Uuuuuhhh…. Not ‘xactly the music I woulda chosen, but…” he speaks a little faster than he intended, “Yeah. Actually I think ya could….” He slowly lowers the hand over his mouth, sucking on his lip underneath. He slowly pushes himself up and walks away stiffly, hand still pressed between his legs. “Hey, Buddy, take this as a compliment an’ not an insult, but I’ll be right back….”


Trowa slowly nodded and began dressing again. “Wonder what music I should use then?” He mumbled to himself.


Duo’s door closes and things get oddly quiet for about a half hour.


Trowa sat down on the couch in the living room waiting for Duo to return, going through the music on his mp3 player trying to figure out what music would be best for his ‘act’. He looked up after about twenty minutes and commented quietly to himself, “Hmmm, I would have thought Duo was a screamer. Shows what I know.” He threw himself back into the cushions letting his mp3 fall to his lap with a frustrated huff. There was just so much about life he always assumed was one way and then he was proven wrong.


After a while, Duo emerged from the bedroom with a huff, face still flushed and bangs messy. Duo plopped himself down on the couch by Trowa’s feet and spread his arms over the back. He let out another heavy sigh, not turning to face Trowa just yet.


Trowa watched as Duo emerged from his room through his bangs, the man was adorable. As he sat down with a huff Trowa couldn’t stop a smirk from forming, “You gonna live Maxwell?”


Duo glared at the man sideways. “… I hate you,” he said with a smirk.


Trowa grinned at him, “No you don’t, or you’d have kicked me out already.”


Duo smirked and nudged him with his knee. “But if I kicked you out, I wouldn’t be able ta pay the rent.” He sighed and sunk back into the couch.


“Oh har har.” Trowa glared playfully at him. “Were you wanting to do anything today? Also, has the rent been paid this month?” He honestly couldn’t remember.


“Ya mean other than bum around and watch TV? Idunno. Maybe smoke some weed and trash a McDonald’s if we have some extra cash.” He snorted. He lifted his hands at the question. “If you didn’t pay it, it ain’t been paid. I can run a check down to the office later if you want, though.”


Trowa smiled at him, “Weed is disgusting. Don’t worry about it. I’ll go down there now and check, I just don’t remember, so I probably haven’t yet. You can stay here and veg out. I’ll be back.” He stood up and moved over to the door and his shoes, putting them on and grabbing his wallet and phone off the bookshelf near the door. “Unless of course you’d like to come with me? Perhaps peruse my sexiness while we walk down there?” He lifted a brow at Duo, a smirk firmly planted on his face. He knew he wouldn’t mind the eye candy on the short walk to the management office.


“Don’t know what yer missin’,” Duo chuckled. “Thanks, man. I owe ya.” Duo sighed, sinking into the couch, until Trowa spoke up again. “Hm? Ah, heh. Sure. Why not? Guess walkin’ down those flights of steps ta see ol’ fart face landlord is worth it if I get to watch yer ass goin’ down.” He smirked, pulled his legs back, then threw them forward, using the momentum to throw himself up on his feet. “Right behind ya, perfect place ta be.”


Trowa chuckled and moved out the door snagging his keys from the same shelf, “You know it. Though, about my dance… honestly, I don’t want Quatre of all people to see it. The poor guy may die of embarrassment. But I was curious, what music would you have chosen?”


Duo chuckled, a wide smirk on his face. “Eh, I think he can take more than people give ‘im credit for.” Duo grabbed his braid and swing it in a circle as they walked. “But if it were me…. Ah, fuck it. My taste ain’t no better. I would'a used that “So Freaky” song and 70’s porn music.“


Trowa snorted, yeah that sounded like Duo alright. His first response was going to be ‘if it’s you I would fuck it’, but he thought better of it. “I don’t know, the idea of doing something like that in front of Quatre… is kind of a turn off. I guess I’d certainly be able to dance longer without embarrassing myself.” He watched Duo’s braid spin in circles mesmerized for a few seconds before turning to watch where he was putting his feet.


Duo tilted his head, surprised at the answer. “Why would it make ya uncomfortable to do that in front’a him but not me?” He gave Trowa a curious look, not being the careful one Trowa was and completely ignoring where he put his feet. “I mean I thought you two were pretty close.”


Trowa glanced up at him as he descended the last of the stairs, “We are close. He’s one of my best friends. I’m just not attracted to him which makes me uncomfortable around him because it seems like he is attracted to me. It’s just awkward.” He shrugged his shoulders.


“What made ya wanna dance then? There somebody else yer tryin’ to impress?” Duo tilted his head curiously. He now smacked the braid against his hip, making a gentle slapping noise as he walked.


“Not really trying to impress anybody.” More like just make a certain guy flush... which had pretty much worked, so mission successful. “I was mostly just bored and thought it would be fun.” He reached out and plucked up Duo’s braid, letting it slide through his fingers before hitting Duo’s hip again. Then he turned slightly to walk toward the main office.


Duo looked at Trowa’s hand in surprised as his braid was snached up. He looked up at the man, and smirked after a moment. “Yer glad I trust ya so much, ‘er that would’a eared ya a black eye.” He winked at the other and followed him. “Hey just make sure we ain’t payin’ the rent twice. That weasel will take whatever we’re offerin.”


“It’s a good thing we never offer more than money then isn’t it?” Trowa smirked at him before pushing the offending door open. Stepping inside the office the overwhelming smell of unwashed bodies assaulted his nose. He turned his head toward the counter and his poker face fell into place, “We came to ask for a payment invoice. My job would like to ‘make sure that I’m not lying about how much I have to pay for rent’. They’re just itching to doc my salary. Would you mind?”


The grungy guy behind the counter grinned at them, “Not at all, let me just print that out for you.” And he bent to the task, though his eyes kept popping up to look at them, after a few minutes where Trowa’s mask never slipped the printer sounded. The man moved over and picked up the papers before coming around the counter to hand them to Trowa, “I do hope they don’t cut your wages Mr. Barton. If it will help I could always up your rent.”


“Oh, I don’t think that will be necessary, but thank you for the offer.” Trowa looked over the document, noting that he had paid the rent three days ago. “We’re in the clear Duo.”


Duo smiled at Trowa’s excuse. The man was about as good at working words as Duo himself was. He moved between Trowa and the other man gracefully, after Trowa received the paper. Duo leaned over the table slightly and smiled narrowly at the man. “Trust me, we don’t need your help with that. You can keep that nice little chunk’a change you take just the size that it is.” Duo moved an arm around Trowa and started leading him away. The smell started getting to him. “C’mon, Tro. Let’s get back upstairs where the fresh air is.”


Trowa grinned, “Sounds good.” He wrapped one of his own arms back around Duo’s waist as he opened the door with the other. He didn’t miss the look on the apartment manager’s face but saved his chuckles until the door had closed behind them.


Duo’s smile widened as they exited. He was a little less composed than the other, snorting as they went back up the stairs. “Dude, that was brilliant.” He shook with laughter, leaning into the other’s arm. “You were just… beautiful. I’d say we should mess with him more often if I didn’t think it’d get us kicked out.”


Trowa laughed with him, “Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all week.” He spent entirely too much time with his roommate... he shook his head and smirked over at Duo enjoying the feel of the other man leaning into him, “I agree, perhaps we could just do it every couple of months? So long as we don’t fall into a pattern it should prove entertaining.”


“Perfect,” Duo replied with a wide grin. “We can take turns, too. Double team him sometimes, alternate– It’ll give us somethin’ to do.” Duo happily leaned into the other’s arm, feeling rather comfortable with the physical contact.


Trowa chuckled some more, “Should we make it a competition? You know, wrack up points or something?” His arm unconsciously tightened around the other man as they headed back to their staircase.


Duo wiggled contently against the arm, enjoying the closeness. “Ah, heck yes. See by Christmas who has the most points. Maybe the loser has to drive Une home when she gets drunk at the Preventers’ Christmas party.” He chuckled to himself, then shook his head. “Nah, that won’t work. We all know I'll be gettin’ wasted then, too.”


“Ha! We all know I’ll be the one driving everyone home from that, as usual.” He started them up the stairs glad that Duo hadn’t moved away. He enjoyed being close to him and was immensely gratified that being touched by him didn’t freak Duo out. Well, not anymore. “I think whoever has the least points has pay the tab... though I won’t be drinking... so nevermind. Hmmm... we’ll come up with something. First we should figure out the point system.”


“Yeah, you an’ Fei. I actually feel bad fer you guys.” He greatly enjoyed physical contact, as well, at least from people he trusted with it. Duo happily leaned his head on Trowa’s shoulder. “I say keep it simple. Two points fer every stand-alone victory, one fer each of us when we double team. Less one of us flops, then the other gets both points.” When they got to their apartment, Duo snagged the keys from Trowa’s pocket with ease and unlocked the door, pushing it open with his foot. “I’d say pay fer the dinner, but the way I eat that wouldn’t exactly be fair no matter who wins.”


“Heh, true. The point system seems fair, how do we wanna keep track of it?” Trowa moved into the room with Duo resting comfortably against him, immensely glad that he hadn’t jumped when the man’s hand entered his pocket unexpectedly. He kicked the door closed behind them. He replaced his wallet a phone on the bookshelf leaning his head against Duo’s briefly before slowly releasing him and heading back over to the couch and flopping down.


“We could finally use that lil’ dry-erase board on the fridge that they gave out at the last office party.” Duo chuckled. He smiled at the head bump, then pouted a bit when the other moved away. He then smirked. He wasn’t done with his cuddles. He plopped down next to Trowa, leaning against him a bit, but giving him the opportunity to display if he was uncomfortable. “We'll figure out the prize later. Sound good?”


“Good plan.” Trowa settled an arm back around Duo as the man cuddled into him simply relaxing. “So, about that bumming around watching TV and maybe eating McDonald’s...”


With a smirk and a scoff, Duo spoke, “Ha! Yeah, almost forgot about that… How ‘bout we order in? I ain’t wantin ta get up any time soon. We can have whatever you want. You know I’ll eat anything.”


Trowa chuckled, “How’s Chinese food sound?” It was the one type of food that Triton would never say no to or get tired of, and there was a place just down the street that delivered.


“Sounds like you read my mind.” Duo grunted as he pushed himself up and went to get the phone. “We need a menu, or we already know what we’re gettin’?”


“Don’t know about you, but I know what I want.” Trowa smirked at him, he always got generally the same thing, Pork Fried Rice, Potstickers, Sweet and Sour Pork, and Chow Mein. And it was certainly what sounded good now.


“Same.” Duo brought the menu and phone back and plopped down cross-legged next to Trowa. He didn’t always get the same thing, but he did have the menu memorized. “Then we’ll have some time to kill til’ the food gets here.”

Trowa’s smirk softened as Duo sat next to him, a slightly dreamy look entering his eyes. There were just so many ways to fill the time... He shook himself slightly and snagged the phone from Duo and speed dialed the number, “Yes, I would like to make a delivery order.” He winced slightly, “Yes this is Trowa and yes Duo will be ordering too. Rice, chow mein and egg flower soup please.” He handed the phone back to Duo. “We order from there far too often...”

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